Thursday 2 April 2015

Mood Board


      1.     Psycho: Alfred Hitchcock is the master of suspense and as we want to create a psychological horror trailer, Psycho is a good source for clever horror techniques such as collision cutting and montage.  

2.      Ed Gein: Ed Gein was a notorious serial killer during the 50s/60s and the male character in our horror trailer is loosely based around him taking very small aspects into his personality and placing them within our plot, male because of the horror towards women.

3.     The Uninvited: Is psychological horror which we have gained inspiration from and the poster itself has an element of voyeurism.

4.  Fortune Teller: We would like to include a fortune teller in our trailer to add to the psychological aspect which also adds an element of mystery.

5. Abusive relationship: One of the key themes we're going to feature within our trailer is abuse

6. Japanese Film Poster: We decided to include this image on our mood-board as we liked the effect of the girl crying blood and would perhaps consider using this type of image from our film poster.

7.  Poltergeist:  is a type of ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects moved around or destroyed. We plan on including a poltergeist in our trailer.   

8. Writing on a Steamy Mirror: we want to include this technique in our trailer.

9. Tarot Cards: These go with the inclusion of a Fortune Teller in our trailer as they help tell the future or past.
10. Love Cards: Our trailer is planned to include a love spiral gone wrong. The idea of having two       characters love each other creates a situation in which an audience member can sympathise and relate to either character.
11. Jilted: This is the name of our film and perhaps one of the fonts we may use for a film poster. The word Jilted itself means 'suddenly rejected or abandoned by a lover'. This links perfectly with our whole film plot and is a short, powerful word that is easy for a consumer to remember. 
12. Insidious: Another psychological horror that we have got inspiration from as it includes a poltergeist. The girlfriend in our film comes back as a ghost and so we wanted to see how ghosts movements would differ and therefore watching this film helped a lot.
13. Alcohol: With an abusive relationship comes guilt and people often turn to alcohol to deal with this, as will be seen in our horror trailer.

14. Death: One of themes in our trailer is death, leading to a poltergeist character.  

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